Monday, 23 January 2012

Special Issue on Relevance

There's another great special issue on relevance in research which appeared in Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Vol 47 Issue 1 ... it is populated by contributions from top-notch scholars and contains a number of well written and thoughtful articles.  If you are doing research in the broad field of organization studies and are doing anything which relates to practice-oriented, action research, interventions, or just trying to make sense of the relationship between professional researchers and practising managers ... this is worth looking at.



  1. Hello Robert,

    Thank you for your advice regarding my last query.

    I have a quick question regarding ontological oscillation. Can one say one is using an ontological oscillation by having ontological stances of social constructivism and subjectivism in the same study?


  2. my advice would be to define both terms carefully by referring to the literature to make clear that you are not contradicting yourself and proceed from there ... good luck

  3. Dear Robert,

    I am Dr. Jackie and I am working as research in charge responsible for finding professionals with potential to throw a talk in the world stage and be heard by many research professionals and the world in turn. And as i run through your blog here, I have found your method of presenting is quite very interesting so I wonder if you can give us a swing and share us more of your creativity in mind. Us I mean here does not only mean me and my SDIWC fellow but the world itself.

    The world is waiting for your talk and researches for the International Conference on Computing, Networking, and Digital Technology.

    Please do visit this link
